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21th December the end of t world or reincarnation
«Mustafa used to built the roadMustafa used to walk along it
But Jigan has stabbed him
Kolka Svist has buried him.»
(From one old russian prison song)
People say that
We will die
On the twenty first of December
So, it seems to have a point
Oh! Finally, the day of death all over the world
Has been determined!
There's one schizophrenic idea
If someone is afraid to believe
And just can't take it easy
Can stop reading this
As any claims won’t be accepted!
When I was in hospital in the Intensive Care Unit
I was about 50 years old
I was in prostration
I’ll try to describe it
Nine nights
Having no dreams
I was walking the black line
Unconscious state
Neurons in my head was exterminating
But, on the tenth day
I had a dream
A carnival
Crazy clowns around me
And I felt like I had a narcotic in me…
17th century
I’m four years old
I am the infant of Spain !!!
No sooner had I woken up
Then hardly I could stay awake
I started collecting thoughts
The dream seemed to be prophetic
Or it had just been injection of something unknown
Some thought began to mess with my head
Somewhere in my mind
It might've been some vein spirits (Fuck this!)
Or revelation itself?
And it occurred to me that
It was just an instinct of self-preservation
“I’m going to die!"
But in a moment,
I was in another dimension!
I'll break through the veil of centuries
Like one of a kind of a Super - Progressor
I'll Break Through
I won't be in captivity
Of our reality's crap!
Later, at nights
My brain has begun to inflame
Step by step
It occured ...
Goddamnit! ___
Universe needs young souls
Only those who make it so necessary.
Lermontov, Pushkin, Verlaine, Choi, Talkov
Bring them the numbers immeasurable...
The universe takes away their souls in an alcove
Ground leaving the body
Universe needs young soul
And the best talents
Not much clouded sew up
Sinks from Africa flimsy steam
The children who are immigrants ...
In Japan - Fukushima
Explosions, fires,
chain of disasters
This is a diabolical plan of Genius
Soul carried away
In the melting pot
(Given the end of World
Like Salvation)
They cherish for other cases
Throw in other ages
All Souls accountant Lord
Accounts sometimes
And not counting bodies.
Just who
They will say tomorrow
Goodbye forever ...
Throwing knuckles
It is better not to know ...
I come to oneself
Left to chance
And looked around
Well you are my God!
What a share
Waiting for me then ...
Gennady Svistunov
(перевод на английский язык -Виктор Свистунов)
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